Post by AnZigt sm1ddy on Oct 18, 2015 15:20:39 GMT
Steam Name:
AnZigt sm1ddy
Steam ID:
Current Rank:
Normal 5 hours on total
First Name:
If so username:
Time Zone:
Total Gmod Hours:
Time on the server:
5 hours
When will you be on:
Every 12pm+
Have you ever be banned:
If so why:
Have you had staff positions on any of our WCA SERVER:
If so when:
How well do you know the rules:(Scale 1-10)
How much experience do you have with ULX:
I have some experience, enough to be a moderator
Working Microphone:
Do you have staff on any of our wca server:
If so which one and rank:
What is FailRP:
FailRP is not staying in role, for example if you say no to a police member stopping you, and you carry on running as a citizen.
What is FearRP:
Basically if someone was pointing a gun at you, you act it so you're scared and not pull out a gun, in reality you wouldn't, ingame if you are being mugged and the person has their gun up and you dont pay instead pull a gun up thats fearrp.
What is the difference between "NLR" and "RDM"
NLR stands for no life rule, which means once killed for a certain amount of time you cannot return there. RDM is random death match, so when you randomly kill someone without a reason, making it less fun for them.
For following questions please respond with 4-8 sentences
Why Do You Want To Become Staff:
I want to become a staff member, because I see other staff members out there struggling to stop like 20 people RDMing at once, like 1 person. And I want to help them control it, and to make it a better place for the community. I want to slowly grow it even more until it is even better than it is. I enjoy playing the server myself, and it'd be fun just helping people out so they can enjoy the community.
Why should we pick you for Staff?
You should pick me for staff, because I can stop all mischevious rule breakers, along with the help of other moderators. I can bring in new suggestions, and make the server even better. And I can let everyone have a fun time, so they can enjoy the community of WCA.
Why should you be chosen over another applicant
I think I should've been chosen over another applicant because I can put detail into the little things this server is missing out on beahviour-wise, and I can help it in many different ways. Not that but I can make people happy.
What is more important, the "Administrators" or the "players"? Explain why?
Players are more important, they're the one who pretty much make the server a thing, not that but they make it fun in many ways. In such ways that we can roleplay and be happy.